
2012 was  a great year for Miller and Mike and there is no way we could have achieved the success we did with out all of you.

It has always been you who have helped us bring our brand of Quality Family Entertainment to our audience. Whether it is inviting us to your event to perform, attending an event we perform at, or just reading this post you have helped us to entertain, inspire, and educate children of all ages, all over.

Miller and I are constantly at work trying to find new venues and events to perform at.  We  send email, attend trade shows, and make cold calls, but no matter how many of these we do, it is the call we get from a client who has heard about us from someone they know.  It is the word of mouth, the interpersonal connection that has helped us grow and continue to bring our live show to more and more audiences.

Miller and Mike are still as active and entertaining as ever.  So we ask you to give us a moment of your time, we know how precious it is, and think about how you can promote quality live entertainment. Perhaps, you know someone having a family oriented event at a school or a church, maybe you know someone on the board of a festival or fair, we kindly ask that you mention us.  We are easy to contact at our website and if we can’t offer what they are looking for  we can recommend a lot of other quality performers and educators who might be able to offer something.

I look forward to another year of making you all laugh.
